

Spatial Analysis of Hypocenter-Fault Relationships
Track: Mining and Geosciences
Author(s): Barry Roberts

The Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NUMO) of Japan has set a series of criteria for candidate site locations for a proposed high level waste repository. Of primary concern is the future seismic stability of any candidate sites. Assessing the spatial relationships between known active fault traces and seismic events provides basic information for candidate site evaluation. A series of shapefiles containing information on fault and hypocenter locations were available to compute the three-dimensional distance from each hypocenter to the nearest fault trace. These distances were then corrected for fault dip angle and hypocenter depth. Other fault related factors such as hanging and footwall characterization were also determined. This information was then used in a statistical analysis designed to characterize the process zone of the active fault systems. All geospatial processing was performed using a series of ArcView Avenue scripts and extensions. Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94-AL-85000.

Barry Roberts
Sandia National Labs
P.O. Box 5800 MS 0735
Albuquerque , NM 87185-0735
Phone: 505-284-2896
E-mail: blrober@sandia.gov

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