

Automated DFIRM Production Using ArcSDE 9 and ArcGIS 9
Track: Cartography and Map Production
Author(s): Mike Beardslee

Dewberry recently began an internal effort to completely modernize our Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) production process in support of the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Map Modernization initiative. We have used ArcGIS 9, ArcSDE 9, and Microsoft's SQL Server to create a robust, multi-user flood map production environment. This environment uses an enterprise geodatabase to create and manage data and track database production activities from initiation to final digital database and hard-copy delivery. We have created a suite of tools in ArcGIS 9 called "GeoFIRM" to facilitate this production process as well as a comprehensive geodatabase schema that automates quality control and enforces integrity through the use of topological rules, database domains, versioning, and feature-linked annotation. The maps created through this process meet both the exacting cartographic and spatial data specifications required by FEMA.

Mike Beardslee
GIS Services
8401 Arlington Blvd
Fairfax , VA 22031
Phone: 703-849-0695
E-mail: mbeardslee@dewberry.com

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