

ArcSDE/ArcGIS-New Tools for Floodplain Mapping
Track: Water Resources
Author(s): Richard Fogleman, Kristen MacDougall

Flood Insurance Studies developed in CAD formats require translation to meet FEMA's current database standards. These translations can be time consuming and costly. Flood Insurance Studies developed using ArcSDE and the geodatabase model can be set up to adhere to the FEMA standard database format from the onset of the production process. Used in conjunction with Citrix, creating a virtual office environment, these programs allow for a large user community in multiple locations and eliminate file translations, repetitive manual tasks, data duplication, and the possibility of data mismanagement. ArcGIS is also highly customizable allowing the development of proprietary software to streamline production processes. Delivering data in a standard format helps FEMA and its contractors produce, maintain, and update that data for current studies and future revisions.

Richard Fogleman
Watershed Concepts
3333 Regency Parkway Ste. 120
Cary , NC 27511
Phone: 919.460.6895
Fax: 919.460.6896
E-mail: rfogleman@watershedconcepts.com

Kristen MacDougall
Watershed Concepts
3333 Regency Parkway
Ste. 120
Cary , NC 27511
Phone: 919.460.6895
Fax: 919.460.6896
E-mail: kmacdougall@watershedconcepts.com

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