

Locate, View, Map: Denver's Multi-Agency Integrated ArcIMS Intranet Solution
Track: Application Development
Author(s): Allan Glen

Seamless access to the City and County of Denver's GIS resources by Denver personnel is essential to inter-agency coordination and decision-making. Locate, View, Map (LVM) is Denver's ASP/ArcIMS solution for delivering integrated GIS information to the desktops of all Denver staff using a standard web browser (no browser plug-ins or applets required). More than 400 GIS layers from more than 55 agencies are available. This city-wide GIS solution allows for centralized maintenance, support, and access to multi-agency GIS information. The extensible component-based architecture is critical to the success of this integrated solution. To support individual agency requirements, the application provides a rich plug-in API, allowing rapid development of custom tools, mapping capabilities, and user interfaces. Application integration interfaces are also provided, allowing interaction with other enterprise applications and allowing non-GIS applications to leverage existing GIS capabilities. The architecture and the lessons learned in creating this intranet GIS solution will be addressed.

Allan Glen
City and County of Denver
Technology Services Geographic Information Systems
201 W Colfax Ave Dept 301
Denver , CO 80202
Phone: 720-913-4966
E-mail: allan.glen@ci.denver.co.us

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