

Development of a Slope Failure Management System Using ArcGIS Server
Track: EMS/Fire
Author(s): Fang Ji, satoru sadohara , akiyuki kawasaki

There are many incidents of slope failure across Japan every year. In order to improve landslide management activities, we developed a Web application for the Prefectural Land Development Department of Kanagawa County. We used ArcGIS Server to build a centrally managed system because there are ten dispersed Public Works Offices. The ArcGIS Server web application is utilized in order to effectively collect, restore, manage, and analyze the slope data to support the routine work of personnel in those Public Works Offices. With this system, we can predict potential slope failure by using the results of analytical and real-time rainfall data. This system would allow the user to retrieve the closest rainfall data at the time and detailed slope inventory data from the web page, and a GPS cellular phone can capture the place and describe data about a collapse and send it to web server via the internet in times of emergency.

Fang Ji
Yokohama National University
Department of Environment and Information Sciences
79-1 Tokiwadal, Hodogaya-ku
Yokohama 240-8501
Phone: 81-45-339-4246
E-mail: fangji2000@hotmail.com

satoru sadohara
Yokohama National University
Sadohara&Yoshida lab.
Yokohama , kanagawa 240-8501
Phone: +81-45-339-4247
E-mail: sato610@arc.ynu.ac.jp

akiyuki kawasaki
Yokohama National University
Environment and Information Sciences
yokohama , Kanagawa 241-0005
Phone: +81-45-339-4247
E-mail: aki_kawasaki@hotmail.com

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