

Application of Acoustic Basemaps and Real Time GIS in Shallow Water
Track: Ocean, Coastal, and Marine Resources
Author(s): Yvonne Allen, Charles Wilson, Harry Roberts

Coastal Louisiana faces continual impacts from natural and anthropogenic processes that rapidly alter estuary configuration. Yet shallow depths and high turbidity often combine to limit what is known about the distribution and extent of habitats in the subsurface environment. LSU's Coastal Fisheries Institute has developed several innovative applications that use ArcPad with acoustic basemaps, realtime GPS display and acquisition, and other relevant geospatial data layers to advance research, industry, and management goals. This combination was used to guide field operations for ecological and geological research. We demonstrate the potential for using acoustic basemaps with realtime positioning and geospatial data to assist in spatially-based management of oyster harvest and production. Acoustic surveys can also be a valuable reference for coastal restoration and enhancement projects. We have conducted acoustic surveys to establish current conditions to guide future planning, as well as to mark a baseline against which future alterations may be measured.

Yvonne Allen
Louisiana State University
Coastal Fisheries Institute
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge , LA 70803
Phone: 225-578-6507
E-mail: allenyc@lsu.edu

Charles Wilson
Coastal Fisheries Institute
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge 70803
Phone: 225-578-6283
E-mail: cwilson@lsu.edu

Harry Roberts
Coastal Studies Institute
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge , LA 70803
Phone: 225-578-2964
E-mail: hrober3@lsu.edu

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