

Denver Maps: Denver's Architecture for Delivering Accessible Internet GIS Services
Track: Application Development
Author(s): Daniel Hauser, Allan Glen, Marcia Walker

The City and County of Denver provides many location-based services to its residents, businesses, and visitors. Making this information available online and accessible to a broad audience increases the level and quality of services provided to the public. To meet the diverse present and future needs of Denver's many city agencies and departments, an extensible integrated mapping and reporting architecture was created using ASP and ArcIMS. Denver Maps integrates information from multiple sources including other applications, databases, and document collections in an interactive report format. Reports are configured using XML utilizing spatial operations, attribute queries, and a variety of output elements (maps, tables, text, images, links, etc.) without writing code. The object-oriented architecture promotes maintainability and supports accessibility goals including Section 508 guidelines and assistive technologies (screen readers, text browsers, etc.). The architecture and the lessons learned in creating this internet GIS solution will be addressed.

Daniel Hauser
City and County of Denver
Technology Services Geographic Information Systems
201 W. Colfax Ave
Dept. 301
Denver , CO 80202
Phone: 720-913-4937
E-mail: daniel.hauser@ci.denver.co.us

Allan Glen
City and County of Denver
Technology Services Geographic Information Systems
201 W Colfax Ave Dept 301
Denver , CO 80202
Phone: 720-913-4966
E-mail: allan.glen@ci.denver.co.us

Marcia Walker
City and County of Denver
Technology Services/Denver GIS
Dept 301
Denver , CO 80202
Phone: 720-913-4832
E-mail: marcia.walker@ci.denver.co.us

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