

SUDS: Leave Your Logos and Egos at the Door
Track: State and Local Government
Author(s): Scott Blankenbeckler

Data sharing in the 21st century requires agencies to set aside old concepts of data control. In the past the primary stop blocks for data sharing have been logos (Agency Identities) and egos. If government is going to survive in today's fast paced, money tight environment, methodology for overcoming these problems must be developed and, in some cases, painfully enforced. The Shared Urban Data System, SUDS, represents The University of Memphis's attempt to help Memphis, Tennessee, overcome these barriers.

Scott Blankenbeckler
The University of Memphis
Center For Community Criminology and Research
340 McCord Hall
Memphis , TN 38152
Phone: 9016785737
E-mail: sblnknbc@memphis.edu

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