

MEMA Comprehensive Emergency Management Planning Application: Collect Locally, Apply Globally
Track: Disaster Mangagement and Emergency Response
Author(s): Peter Bujwid, Mike Philbin

The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency is one of the first states to develop a web application in support of statewide coordination and management of community emergency planning data. This system is used by emergency managers within each community as well as state emergency planning staff. GIS provides unique tools for browser map markup including locating critical infrastructure, hazardous facilities, evacuation routes, etc. All mapping is implemented through ArcIMS web map services including geocoding and map rendering. By centralizing the capture of emergency planning data, MEMA is able to extend emergency planning scenarios to the regional level using the most current and accurate local data. Through the innovative and tight integration of GIS functionality within a secure emergency planning and response system, this application will become a springboard for other Homeland Security related initiatives in the state.

Peter Bujwid
Applied Geographics, Inc.
24 School Street, Suite 500
Boston , MA 02108
Phone: 617-259-1690
Fax: 617-259-1688
E-mail: pbujwid@appgeo.com

Mike Philbin
Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency
400 Worcester Road
Framingham , MA 01702
Phone: 508.820.2008
E-mail: mike.philbin@state.ma.us

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