

Stormwater Model Review Pre- and Post-Project Node Comparisons
Track: Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater
Author(s): Sherry Phillips-Smith

Sarasota County Watershed Management uses a Stormwater Model and GIS to check for impacts to Stormwater run-off in new developments and Capital Improvement Projects. We check the current model data against the proposed changes. If there is an adverse impact upstream or down stream, the model is not accepted. We export output data from the Model for the 100 year 24 hour storm event. The data is imported into a Geodatabase. In ArcMap, we join this table to the Node layer and display the Nodes based on the change in Stage Max from the model. We can visually determine where possible impacts in Stormwater run-off will occur. This also helps when looking for a solution in localized flooding. The engineers can run different scenarios and look at the effects in the whole model.

Sherry Phillips-Smith
Sarasota County Board of County Commission (SCBCC)
Watershed Management
1001 Center Sarasota Blvd
Sarasota , FL 34240
Phone: 941.861.0905
Fax: 941.861.0986
E-mail: sphillip@scgov.net

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