

CVRD Metadata Standard
Track: Metadata and Data Publishing
Author(s): Marina Ando, Marcelo Barbosa, Alessandro Frizzera

Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD) is a leading diversified mining company of the Americas and the world's largest iron ore producer and supplier. Our core business also includes logistics and electric power generation. During 2004 the GIS team has implemented the first module of its Enterprise GIS (Metadata Server) and has surveyed and organized geographic data among all its business units. This paper will present the CVRD Metadata Standard, established in the company to provide identification, spatial reference, data quality and metadata reference of common use geographic data, such as digital satellite imagery, scanmaps, aerial photography, and vector data. The standard created was based on a survey that identified alignments with FGDC and adjustments according to CVRD needs. It generates several benefits for the company's GIS community. The technology is based on Esri products (ArcSDE, ArcIMS, ArcGIS).

Marina Ando
Cia Vale do Rio Doce
Av. Graça Aranha, 26
Rio de Janeiro , RJ 20030-900
Phone: 55 21 3814-4010
E-mail: ift002@cvrd.com.br

Marcelo Barbosa
Cia Vale do Rio Doce
Av. Graça Aranha, 26
Rio de Janeiro , RJ 20030-900
Phone: 55 21 3814-3070
E-mail: marcelo.barbosa@cvrd.com.br

Alessandro Frizzera
Cia Vale do Rio Doce
Av. Dante Michelini, 5500
Ponta de Tubarão
Vitória , ES 29090-900
Phone: 55 27 3333-6973
E-mail: alessandro.frizzera@cvrd.com.br

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