

Use of ArcGIS in Real-Time Flood Forecasting/Monitoring
Track: Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater
Author(s): Scott Holder

Ventura County with its unique geography has a history of flooding problems. With a majority of the streams responding less than 3 hours of peak rainfall, modeling is used to predict stream responses. Ventura County Watershed Protection District has developed a countywide hydrology model using ArcGIS. ArcGIS handles the model interface, controls and shows the results. The data is stored in a Personal Geodatabase for easy transport. The hydrologic model uses the Army Corps of Engineers HEC-1. The model uses both forecasted and observed rainfall for model input. The output is displayed with color-coded point symbols with the time and magnitude of the peak displayed as a label. This way the user can quickly scan the entire county for problem areas. The user can also click on the point to display a graph of the forecasted and observed hydrographs.

Scott Holder
Ventura County Watershed Protection District
Planning & Regulatory Division
800 South Victoria Ave
Ventura , CA 93009
Phone: (805) 477-7121
Fax: (805) 654-3350
E-mail: scott.holder@mail.co.ventura.ca.us

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