

Web-Based Community Planning Tool for Local Public Health
Track: Health and Human Services
Author(s): Chris Schroeder, Jim Platt

Every year, the Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department (LLCHD) reviews over two hundred fifty various land-use applications for proposed residential and commercial developments, change of zone requests, and special permit applications. Each application is scrutinized for any possible negative public health impacts ranging from noise pollution, air pollution, hazardous materials exposure, and septic and well water issues. To aid in conducting these land-use reviews, the LLCHD developed a Web-based land-use review tool to fully utilize all available data sets using ArcIMS. This tool incorporates the use of more than 30 data layers with major categories including sensitive populations, chemical hazards, natural resources, transportation, aerial photography, and utilities. The development of this web-based application has given staff with various technical skills access to local, state, and Federal GIS data. In addition to using it as a land-use review tool, it has become a catalyst for the development of other Web-based public health applications.

Chris Schroeder
Lincoln-Lancaster Country Health Department
3140 N St.
Lincoln , NE 68510
Phone: 4024416272
E-mail: cschroeder@ci.lincoln.ne.us

Jim Platt
3140 N St.
Lincoln , NE 68510
Phone: (402) 441-6246
E-mail: jplatt@ci.lincoln.ne.us

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