

Arresting the Decline of Housing in Low/Mod Census Tracts
Track: Census and Geodemographics
Author(s): Toya Merritt

Code enforcement along with public improvements, rehabilitation, and services to be provided, may be expected to arrest the decline of blight within the city of Durham. To meet national objectives, all required criteria and proper documentation must be maintained. Geocoding the locations of accepted activities help meet both needs of Durham's Department of Housing and Community Development. Our most crucial task is identifying code enforcement and other pertinent activities that occur within low to moderate census tracts. Spatial analysis is conducted to select activity locations that fall within low/mod polygons. Both low/mod and non-low/mod activities are uniquely symbolized as spatial data. This entire process provides significant information to be used for recording purposes.

Toya Merritt
City of Durham
Department of Housing
101 City Hall Plaza
Durham , NC 27701
Phone: (919) 560-4570
Fax: (919) 560-4090
E-mail: toya.merritt@durhamnc.gov

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