

Development of a Custom GIS Application for Publishing Soil Surveys
Track: Agriculture
Author(s): Allan Johnson, Mike Wigginton

Currently, digital soils information can be obtained from many sources. Many websites serve digital soils information, but often, users need their own GIS software and considerable knowledge to view the data. A planned IMS web Soil Survey will eliminate the need for GIS software but will rely on a fairly fast internet connection. The Indiana NRCS office has published nearly 150 project areas on CDs utilizing a customized run-time version of ArcView accessible to novice computer users and most available computers. Using a customized ArcView application on CD, the user can access information easily through many unique tools without needing Web access. Future plans for this product include migrating to an ArcGIS 9 format.

Allan Johnson
6013 Lakeside Blvd.
Indianapolis , IN 46278
Phone: 317.290.3200
E-mail: allan.johnson@in.usda.gov

Mike Wigginton
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Major Land Resource Area Region 11
8425 West 85th Street
Indianapolis , IN 46278
Phone: 317-290-3200
Fax: 317-209-3225
E-mail: michael.wigginton@in.usda.gov

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