

The Flathead River Corridor Traditional Cultural Use Study
Track: Ecology and Conservation
Author(s): Kevin Askan

The Flathead River, which runs through the Flathead Indian Reservation, holds many ties between the native people and the land. Tribal elders tell many stories of traveling along the river corridor and its tributaries to hunting and fishing grounds and winter camps. The Flathead River Project is one of the most important projects the CSKT Preservation Department has ever conducted. This paper will present an overview of the Flathead River Survey on the Flathead Indian Reservation. The project covers the river valley from the foot of Flathead Lake to its confluence with the Clark Fork River. Archaeological survey has been conducted for two field seasons, and this paper will discuss the results of our work thus far. The overview will include our approach to recording sites, various site types identified, GPS and GIS methods, and overall results of our efforts to preserve the cultural significance of the Flathead River Corridor.

Kevin Askan
Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes
P.O. Box 71
Big Arm , MT 59855
Phone: 406-675-2700
E-mail: kevina@cskt.org

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