

Land Cover Classification of the Nyack Floodplain
Track: Remote Sensing Imagery
Author(s): Mark Couture

The University of Montana, Flathead Lake Biological Station, and Salish Kootenai College are all part of a cooperative biodiversity study of the Nyack floodplain, located in Northwestern Montana along the middle-fork of the Flathead River. My project was to develop a land-cover classification of the Nyack floodplain using on site observations, ground truth points, and remote sensing. GPS coordinates were collected for ground truth points, and remote sensing tools and software were used to develop an accurate land-cover classification of the Nyack floodplain and the surrounding area. The use of remote sensing made it possible to view and classify the entire floodplain through the reflective signatures of the vegetation, using the electromagnetic spectrum. Multispec software was used to develop an unsupervised and a supervised vegetation land-cover classification, along with numerous ground truth points of the floodplain. Is it possible to develop an accurate assessment of vegetation cover-types throughout the Nyack floodplain?

Mark Couture
Salish Kootenai College
PO Box 186
Pablo , MT 59855
Phone: 406 396-1029
E-mail: MJ_Couture@hotmail.com

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