

GIS and Mass Notification: Changing the Face of Emergency Communications
Track: Disaster Mangagement and Emergency Response
Author(s): Kim Terry

In the event of a crisis, mass notification--the ability to communicate to thousands within seconds--can alert emergency responders, security professionals, and even evacuate entire geographic regions in just minutes by using Esri GIS and mapping software. A Mass Notification system with a GIS feature is an invaluable asset for major emergencies that seriously threaten life or property. For example, during natural disasters--such as fire or flood--officials need to ensure that specific areas are evacuated in a safe manner, and that other locations are given clear updates or instruction. Geographic targeting combined with notification can also aid in searches for missing persons and speed warnings to communities about industrial accidents, child abductions, or terrorist threats. In this session, you will learn the steps for choosing and integrating a Mass Notification system with GIS and mapping software into your own emergency management plan.

Kim Terry
National Notification Network (3n)
505 North Brand, Suite 700
Glendale , CA 91203
Phone: 818-230-9700
Fax: 818-545-7040
E-mail: kim.terry@3nonline.com

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