

Calgary Fire Department (CFD) Advances in Planning for the Future
Track: EMS/Fire
Author(s): Bruce McBride, Al Caron

Risk Assessment and GIS are integral parts of CFD's ability to review its current operations and plan for the future. Entering extensive raw data collected during a 2004 CFD Risk Assessment exercise into the Esri environment provided an excellent opportunity to outline the "demand" placed on CFD, matched against its ability to "supply" resources to reduce suffering, property loss, and save lives. Utilizing GIS, CFD identified areas of risk to explore ways to better deploy its fleet of emergency response apparatus. One approach was to collect data and code every registered parcel in the city to exhibit risk areas, based on a four-tier system of probability and likelihood of fire occurrence and loss of life. Other data sets used included fire deaths, density mapping of fire loss, and clustering of various incident types.

Bruce McBride
City of Calgary
PO Box 2100, Station M
Mail Code 8218
Calgary , Alberta T2P 2Ms
Phone: 403-268-2907
Fax: 403-287-4249
E-mail: bmcbride@calgary.ca

Al Caron
City of Calgary
Fire Department
4124 11 ST SE
Calgary , Alberta T2P 2M5
Phone: 403-287-4216
E-mail: acaron@calgary.ca

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