

A Cellular Automata Model for ArcMap
Track: Modeling
Author(s): Dave Cowen, John Jensen, Thomas Bramble, Michael Hodgson

As part of a NASA funded research project on Smart Growth, a research team at the University of South Carolina has developed a Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) application to operationalize Cellular Automata models within ArcMap. This application facilitates the modeling of urban growth. The paper will report on the development and calibration of a CA model for the ArcGIS 8 computing environment using VBA and ArcObjects. The required inputs are only a grid of existing development and masks of the study area and cells that cannot be developed. The system incorporates forms to assign parameter weights to other layers and scenario functions that allow the model to automatically simulate multiple scenarios of growth. A visualization function automatically generates map compositions of the predicted growth at the end of each simulation.

Dave Cowen
Dept of Geog
Dept of Geography
Columbia , SC 29208
Phone: 803-7775236
E-mail: cowend@sc.edu

John Jensen
Ph. D
Dept of Geography
Univeristy of South Carolina
Columiba , SC 29208
Phone: 803-777-5234
E-mail: jrjensen@sc.edu

Thomas Bramble
Department of Geography
University of South Carolina
Columbia 29208
Phone: 410-726-1667
E-mail: bramble@mailbox.sc.edu

Michael Hodgson
Ph. D
Dept of Geography
Columbia 29208
Phone: 803-777-5234
E-mail: hodgsonm@sc.edu

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