

Height Modernization--The Importance of Accurate Elevations
Track: Federal Government Systems
Author(s): Juliana Blackwell

Modern society is becoming increasingly dependent on geographic data that is spatially referenced--horizontally and vertically. In order to determine accurate floodplains, study the amount and effects of runoff, improve agricultural yields, manage coastal resources, or improve transportation systems, we need accurate, easily accessible information on the elevations of terrain, coastal and inland waters, buildings, roads, pipelines, aircraft, ships, etc., as well as how the heights behave over time. Height Modernization utilizes GPS to map and monitor heights accurately and efficiently. Through Height Modernization, local and national height inconsistencies are eliminated by having a common foundation or reference frame--the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88). This presentation will elaborate on the needs and benefits of five or six completed Height Mod "case studies" or "projects" and discuss how the established control, improved GIS.

Juliana Blackwell
N/NGS, 1315 East-West Highway
Silver Spring , MD 20910
Phone: 301-713-1054
E-mail: juliana.blackwell@noaa.gov

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