

A Geodatabase Design and Maintenance Using ArcSDE for Oracle
Track: Application Development
Author(s): Vicki DeFries, Yingjie Wang, Amir Razavi

The Real Property Geodatabase Model (RPGM) is developed under the contract of the Office of Chief Technology Officer (OCTO) to support the daily work processes for the agencies in the District of Columbia. RPGM organizes the projects created from customer submissions into the project workspaces that are the physical separations of layers from the production database. RPGM ensures data integrity through the GIS application being developed as the RPGM Extension of ArcGIS 9. The RPGM Extension is flexible and scalable and constructed in a multi-tiered Client/Server architecture. The maintenance activities also include the processes by which the database is versioned, edited, reviewed, approved, and posted. The application supports versioning and multi-users through the ArcSDE and Oracle database. This presentation will describe the design, methodology, and lessons learned in developing the GIS application for maintaining the Real Property Geodatabase.

Vicki DeFries
D.C. Government
The Office of Chief Technology Officer
440 4th Street, NW
Washington , DC 20001
Phone: 202-727-6490
E-mail: vicki.defries@dc.gov

Yingjie Wang
Razavi Application Developers, Inc.
2200 Columbia Pike, ##502
Arlington , VA 22204
Phone: 703-203-1187
E-mail: ywang@razavi.com

Amir Razavi
Razavi Application Developers, Inc.
14489 Store House Dr
Centreville , VA 20121
Phone: 703-932-0736
E-mail: arazavi@razavi.com

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