

Automating Feature Extraction with the ArcGIS Spatial Analyst Extension
Track: Cartography and Map Production
Author(s): Michael Hewett

LIDAR data can be overwhelming to use for manual feature extraction, and specialized feature extraction software can be expensive to purchase. ArcGIS provides tools that can be utilized to help get more out of LIDAR first, last and intensity returns through automated processes. By following a few basic principles, it is possible to extract some common features such as vegetation, stream banks, some buildings, etc. This session is aimed at general ArcGIS users who wish to start making better use of their LIDAR datasets by automating extraction of features with the ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extension.

Michael Hewett
1935 Jamboree Drive
Colorado Srings , CO 80920
Phone: 719 264 5519
E-mail: mhewett@sanborn.com

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