

Tracking and Managing Parcel Changes in a Geodatabase Format
Track: Cadastral and Land Records
Author(s): Gulla Gisladottir

In order to take advantage of relational database functionality and Esri's Geodatabase model, the County of Santa Cruz, California, migrated its decade old GIS from a CAD based mainframe platform to an SDE/SQL Geodatabase. The base layer for the GIS system is the cadastral layer, and our initial challenge was to develop maintenance and tracking procedures for the Assessor's Office to replace the existing CAD based editing.

We would like to share our experiences with the GIS community and address the challenges and issues that we have faced and discuss how we have resolved them. The presentation will focus on the migration strategy, Geodatabase design, data maintenance procedures, Assessor's map production, and our future goals. We will also discuss how this new system is able to meet the needs of an increased number of County departments.

Gulla Gisladottir
County of Santa Cruz
701 Ocean Street
Santa Cruz , CA 95060
Phone: 831-454-2502
Fax: 831-454-2495
E-mail: gulla.gisladottir@co.santa-cruz.ca.us

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