

Calculating Wildfire Hazard Levels: Algebraic Raster Construction Using ArcGIS Spatial Analyst
Track: EMS/Fire
Author(s): Julia Christiansen

Arc GIS Spatial Analyst, one tool in the ArcGIS software suite, was used to develop a raster grid predicting hazard levels in wildfires within a western Colorado fire management zone. The term hazard refers to dangers related to fire behavior rather than risk of ignition. This layer was constructed using the Reclassify and Raster Calculator utilities within Arc GIS Spatial Analyst and Esri extension Raster Clipper. Spatial Analyst evaluated hazard factors such as slope, aspect and fuels. Reclassify assigned break and integer values to analyzed hazards. Map Algebra expressions derived output cell values based on summed integers and included the condition that a zero score in the fuel model must return a zero value to the output cell. Wildfire management agencies are using electronic versions of the project, as well as paper maps constructed from it, to anticipate fire behavior, safety concerns and resource allocations during the 2005 wildfire season. Analysis based on comparisons of the new map with historic fire perimeters is proceeding and development may include weighted calculations of reclassified fuel models within such boundaries.

Julia Christiansen
Bureau of Land Management
Use Authorization Staff
2815 H Road
Grand Junction , CO 81506
Phone: 970-244-3093
Fax: 970-244-3083
E-mail: Julia_Christiansen@blm.gov

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