

Travel Time Calculation with GIS in Rail Station Location Optimization
Track: Transportation
Author(s): Sutapa Samanta, Manoj Jha, Charles Oluokun

In recent years GIS has been extensively applied in solving transportation and logistics problems. Working directly with GIS maps allows precise calculation of several key parameters in transportation problems involving optimization, such as travel time. In this research we use ArcView Spatial Analyst with ant algorithm to optimize station locations along rail transit lines. The genetic algorithms perform optimal search and are coded in C. Travel times are calculated from centroids of residential locations to proposed rail stations using actual road network. An example study is presented.

Sutapa Samanta
Morgan State University
Civil Engineering
1700 E. Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore , MD 21251
Phone: 443-885-1442
E-mail: s_sutapa12@yahoo.com

Manoj Jha
Morgan State University
Civil Engineering
1700 E. Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore , MD 21251
Phone: 443-885-1446
Fax: 443-885-8218
E-mail: mkjha@eng.morgan.edu

Charles Oluokun
Morgan State University
Civil Engineeirng
1700 E. Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore , MD 21251
Phone: 443-885-4244
Fax: 443 885 8218
E-mail: coluokun@eng.morgan.edu

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