

The Benefit of Enterprise GIS for Otay Water District
Track: Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater
Author(s): Ming Zhao

At Otay Water District, the enterprise GIS has been fully implemented. Organization wide enterprise GIS not only offers easy access to the entire district's staff but also serves as the solid foundation for other enterprise solutions throughout the district, including infrastructure management, parcel management, customer services, permit, and fixed asset management, to integrate into their environment. Enterprise GIS also plays the primary role of maintaining the district's data integrity, validating other tabular data, and keeping the data up to date. This paper will address the technical challenges we encountered and share the solutions with GIS peers. Also, the paper will discuss the future directions and plans to further incorporate enterprise GIS into other workflows at OWD.

Ming Zhao
Otay Water District
2554 sweetwater springs blvd
Spring Valley , CA 91978
Phone: 619-670-2240
E-mail: mzhao@otaywater.gov

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