

Thinking Long Term: Land Use Planning in Dane County, WI
Track: Modeling
Author(s): Tom McClintock, Stephen Ventura

Typical land use planning seeks to envision what a community might be like in ten to twenty years. However, by looking at planning horizons of 50 or more years, Dane County has recognized that the planning luxury of "open and undeveloped" land will not last. Within a few decades, all land in the county will either be developed or be protected from development through various programs such as public acquisition, transfer or purchase of development rights, or farmland protection programs. To make sure that the best or most appropriate lands are slotted into these categories, we have developed a series of suitability models for ecosystem services, farmland protection, landscape amenities, and housing suitability. The results of these models are then fed into impact analysis models such as WhatIf? and CommunityViz to determine optimal mixes of future land uses and to describe the potential impacts of various scenarios.

Tom McClintock
University of Wisconsin--Madison
550 Babcock Rm B102
Madison , WI 53706
Phone: 608 263-0009
E-mail: tlmcclin@wisc.edu

Stephen Ventura
UW-Madison LICGF
550 Babcock dr
Rm B102
Madison , WI 53706
Phone: 608 263-5534
E-mail: sventura@wisc.edu

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