

Multidimensional Modeling Based on Spatial, Temporal, and Spatio-Temporal Stereotypes
Track: Modeling
Author(s): Gabriel Pestana

Spatial data provide valuable new insight that is invisible and sometimes not even possible to generate using traditional spreadsheets and data processing alone. Decision makers prefer--especially for queries on spatial, temporal, and spatio-temporal data--to drill around spatial functionalities and operations in order to speed up information flow and standardize map-reporting visualizations. However, spatial data management has also been plagued with data interoperability issues that make it difficult for companies to easily integrate and apply spatial information. In this paper, we will propose a multidimensional spatio-temporal data model to enable spatial analysis in the context of evolving specifications. The proposed data model will address the problem of spatial and temporal data integration by providing information to facilitate semantic interoperability and data analysis in a Spatial Data Warehouse that uniformly handles all types of data. Using a practical example in the field of land parcels, we will evaluate the implementation of the model.

Gabriel Pestana
IST--Technical University of Lisbon
Informatics and Computers Engineering
R.Alves Redol 9 - Room 620
Lisbon 1000-029
Phone: +351-213100216
Fax: +351-213100843
E-mail: gabriel.pestana@inesc-id.pt

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