

Airport Management and Development System
Track: Transportation
Author(s): Mohamed Arafa, Ahmed El Zanaty, Laila Hasan

Many passengers, both Egyptian and foreigners, are not familiar with the Cairo airport. Egyptians themselves could be using the airport for the very first time. We are introducing a system into the Cairo international airport, offering the visitor an automated GIS system that reduces the hassle of finding information for places inside or outside the airport. With the increase in Airport traffic, several approaches have been taken by Airport authorities to improve the efficiency of Airport operations. The Arab world's first system provides Air Traffic Controllers with reliable information on the identification and location of aircrafts on the ground. The system provides complete control, guidance, and routing of movements. Information is displayed on an overlaid airport map providing a clear user interface. Each aircraft on the airport maneuvering area is labeled with target information for presentation to the controllers.

Mohamed Arafa
38 Oman st. app ####12
El Dokki, Giza 12311
Phone: (+202) 3354 392
E-mail: moarafa@yahoo.com

Ahmed El Zanaty
Zuhair Fayz Partenar
3 waheeb doos st
from 9 st.
maady , Cairo 12311
Phone: (+202) 3582048
E-mail: znatypasha@yahoo.com

Laila Hasan
38 Oman st. app## 12 El Dokki
Giza , Cairo 12311
Phone: (+202) 4620034
E-mail: laila_gis@yahoo.com

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