

Developing an Integrated Parcel/Master Address Geodatabase for Oakland, California
Track: Cadastral and Land Records
Author(s): Julian Ware, Dennis Wuthrich

Assessor parcel numbers (APNs) and situs addresses are two key attributes used by local governments to specify geographic locations. While parcels are often maintained according to formal GIS workflows, addresses are rarely managed as spatial datasets. Often, address datasets are edited without integrity constraints (spatial or otherwise), meaning they can quickly become inconsistent. At the City of Oakland, we developed a single integrated parcel/master address geodatabase, allowing us to automatically check the spatial integrity of address data edits and resolve the problem of multiple, inconsistent address databases. An immediate benefit of this approach is the ability for address-based workflows (such as permitting) that do not currently use GIS to become spatially enabled. This paper will present the design constraints, data model, and City of Oakland's implementation approach to building an Oracle/ArcSDE software-based parcel/master address geodatabase.

Julian Ware
City of Oakland
150 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Suite 7216
Oakland , CA 94612
Phone: (510) 238-6744
E-mail: jware@oaklandnet.com

Dennis Wuthrich
Farallon Geographics
609 Mission St, 2nd Floor
San Francisco 94105
Phone: (415) 227 1140
E-mail: dwuthrich@fargeo.com

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