

Caltrans' Statewide LRS Geodatabase Model and Maintenance System
Track: Transportation
Author(s): Diane Pierzinski, David Lapp

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) maintains roughly 15,000 miles of state highways and has utilized a Linear Referencing System (LRS) for more than 10 years. Caltrans relies heavily on its LRS capabilities in support of design, construction, maintenance, and operation activities. Groups throughout the Caltrans organization routinely require visualization of business data tied to the institutional Linear Referencing Method (LRM) of "Caltrans Postmiles" as well as other LRMs. Caltrans recently migrated from its historical ArcInfo software-based LRS, introducing a modernized ArcSDE Geodatabase model, maintenance methodologies, and end-user applications and maintenance tools. In this session, we will present Caltrans' utilization of the ArcSDE Geodatabase for LRS, highlighting the data model's capabilities for managing multiple LRMs, multiple cartographic representations, and historical route lineage management.

Diane Pierzinski
Office of GIS
1120 N Street
Sacramento , CA 95814
Phone: 916-654-3379
E-mail: diane_pierzinski@dot.ca.gov

David Lapp
Farallon Geographics, Inc.
609 Mission St
2nd Floor
San Francisco , CA 94105
Phone: 415 227 1140
E-mail: dlapp@fargeo.com

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