

Web-Enabled GIS for Coastal Habitat Restoration in Corpus Christi Bay
Track: Application Development
Author(s): Daniel Longmatey

Effective management of restored habitats along the coast of Texas has become an issue of growing concern in coastal science today. In the Corpus Christi area alone, more than three million dollars have been allocated for beach restoration since 2001. To support the state's investment efforts, a Web-enabled GIS is being developed to provide a comprehensive spatial data framework for monitoring restored shoreline and coastal habitats in the Corpus Christi Bay. The goal of this project is to develop a GIS using the recently restored University Beach located along the southern coastline of the bay as the primary area of focus. This paper will discuss development of the coastal GIS database and a custom Web application with integrated GIS functionality that allows remote users to interactively access the coastal GIS data using a Web browser.

Daniel Longmatey
Texas A&M University--Corpus Christi
Division of Nearshore Research
6300 Ocean Drive NRC 2100
Corpus Christi , TX 78412
Phone: 770-776-9605
E-mail: dlongmatey@gmail.com

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