

Enhanced GIS Presentation with Flash--GIS integration for Harris County
Track: New Technology and System Integration
Author(s): Todd Thompson, Todd Buehlman, Wanjoo Choi

Harris County Flood Control District wanted to generate an effective method of storing, reviewing and disseminating the collateral for their Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects internally and externally. The primary goal is to educate Harris County citizens about the current and future projects that will improve the infrastructure that they use throughout the County. In order to maximize the site usability and thereby public acceptance, Flash technology was utilized to generate a dynamic, truly GIS-enabled interface through a powerful and engaging interface design and a breakthrough "Flash-GIS" engine. To meet the usability goals, an engine was built that creates Flash output from GIS data, allowing fast, smooth user interaction; custom animated features; and real-time retrieval of up-to-date project information without redrawing maps. The primary benefits to the user are speed, responsiveness, panning and zooming control, and supreme usability.

Todd Thompson
Harris County Flood Control
Communications Division
9900 Northwest Freeway
houston , TX 77092
Phone: 713-684-4000
E-mail: todd.thompson@hcfcd.org

Todd Buehlman
Idea Integration
GIS Practice
3200 Southwest Freeway ####2900
Houston , TX 77027
Phone: 713-626-5242
E-mail: todd.buehlman@idea.com

Wanjoo Choi
Idea Integration
3200 Southwest Freeway Suite ##2900
Houston , TX 77027
Phone: 713.353.6722
E-mail: Wanjoo.Choi@idea.com

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