

Safe Water Access and Waterborne Disease Control Program in the Republic of Zambia
Track: Health and Human Services
Author(s): James Ingraham, Prudencia Mweemba, Buleti Nsemukila, Kearston Ingraham, Jean Dixon, Emmanuel Kafwembe, Pennie Hopson, Henry Edington

The Safe Water Access and Training Consultants team will use GIS and ICT technologies to locate and provide access to safe drinking water and training for point of use water treatment in the Republic of Zambia. GIS mapping will provide knowledge of the health concerns to address illnesses, deaths, trending and strategic planning for healthcare resource deployment. Worldwide, four thousand children die every day from diseases caused by bad water and sanitation. Our team represents experts in public health, ICT, patient record security, ecosystem science, and education. GIS as a tool will monitor, track, and map safe drinking water sites, treatments, the spread of diseases and improvements/cures associated with waterborne and infectious diseases. We will track health improvements using data and GIS-based Telehealth technologies. Emphasis is placed on integrating local, regional, and national observations into a coherent information framework. Health improvement results will be available over the Internet.

James Ingraham
Safe Water Access and Training Consultants
45 White Pine Drive
Sewell , NJ 08080
Phone: 856-589-9114
Fax: 856-582-7348
E-mail: jamesrlc@verizon.net

Prudencia Mweemba
University of Zambia, School of Medicine
Department of Post Basic Nursing
P.O. Box 50110
Lusaka 00000
Phone: 011-260-1-25245
E-mail: pmweemba@yahoo.com

Buleti Nsemukila
Republic of Zambia
Central Statistical Office
P.O. Box 31908
Nationalist Road
Lusaka 0
Phone: 011-260-01-2534
Fax: +1 011-260-01-2
E-mail: BNsemukila@zamstats.gov.zm

Kearston Ingraham
Safe Water Access & Training Consultants
3618 Loyola Drive, Suite 169
Kenner , LA 70065
Phone: 504-465-9672
E-mail: kearston.ingraham@verizon.net

Jean Dixon
SecureState, LLC
2433 Saunders Station Road
Monroeville 15146
Phone: 412-374-7133
E-mail: jdixon@securestate.net

Emmanuel Kafwembe
Tropical Disease and Research Centre
PO Box 71769
Ndola , Copperbelt 00000
Phone: 011-260-2-62073
Fax: 260-2-620737
E-mail: kafwembe@zamnet.zm

Pennie Hopson
45 White Pine Drive
Sewell , NJ 08080
Phone: 856-582-5021
Fax: 856-582-7348
E-mail: wjlink@verizon.net

Henry Edington
1900 Powell Street, Suite 910
Emeryville 94608
Phone: (510) 834-4074
Fax: (510) 543-4443
E-mail: edington@emgafrica.com

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