

G4M:A Geo-Information System for Moscow
Track: Cadastral and Land Records
Author(s): Joerg Schaller

The implementation of a Cadastre System with parcel ownership data is now starting in the City of Moscow and will be supported by the introduction of a Geo-Information System. The Moscow territorial Commission started with an inventory of the city. Overview plans and the registration of rights had been publishe, and an assessment scheme of land evaluation and land renting prices had been developed by this Commission. However the problem of different authorities collecting and administrating these data has not been solved successfully. To avoid data redundency on the same object and to improve the workflows and quality of GIS data related to the cadastre information a prefeasibilty study had been worked out by a GIS and the State Government of Bavaria, The City of Moscow and Technical Universities of Moscow and Munich. The results of this prefeasibility study will be presented as well as the application strategies of the data model for "Digital Moscow."

Joerg Schaller
Esri Geoinformatik GmbH
Ringstrasse 7
Kranzberg , null 85402
Phone: +49-8166-6868-0
Fax: +49-8166-6868-1
E-mail: j.schaller@Esri-germany.de

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