

Modeling Enterprise GIS Functions with J2EE Patterns and Abstraction Layers
Track: New Technology and System Integration
Author(s): William Harvey, David Vari, David Kochheiser

Douglas County, CO, is implementing an enterprise GIS architecture in a J2EE environment to facilitate the creation of extensible, maintainable, and scalable spatial functions to enterprise systems. Standard J2EE patterns and abstraction layers are being utilized to create enterprise spatial operations that can be used by other systems that neither know, nor care, about the spatial implementation behind them. The spatial functions include a Data Access Object (DAO) to hide the implementation using ArcIMS (Java Connector) and the ArcSDE Java API. A generic map canvas for rendering IMS data using the standard Model-View-Controller (MVC) is also implemented. Methodology and the Douglas County enterprise architecture will be presented.

William Harvey
Dougals County IT/GIS
100 Third Street ##355
Castle Rock , CO 80104
Phone: 3036636289
E-mail: bharvey@douglas.co.us

David Vari
Douglas County IT
100 Third Street
Castle Rock , CO 80104
Phone: 3036607319
E-mail: dvari@douglas.co.us

David Kochheiser
Douglas County IT
100 Third Street
Castle Rock , CO 80104
Phone: 3036636215
E-mail: dkochhei@douglas.co.us

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