

Geographic Information Systems for Community Health Management in Tugi
Track: Health and Human Services
Author(s): Ntsacom Christabel Dashaco, Njohjam Naburo

Tugi is a village in Cameroon. Its 10,000 inhabitants are distributed in quarters.

The population lacks medical health services and to get the government and international organizations to commit to their assistance, the village has created a land-use planning committee with community health development as one of the components responsible for community health care and rural health infrastructures. Esri ArcView was used to map and visualize the community health situation of the village in a digital database.

The application of GIS in mapping HIV/AIDS distribution per quarter, disease occurrences, drugs demand and the calculation of distances separating each quarter from a medical post will be discussed. Medical and demographic statistics will be analyzed to formulate information necessary for the positioning of new health posts, which will be equidistant to the dwellings. Sectors where particular diseases are rampant will be identified and GPS mapped.

Ntsacom Christabel Dashaco
Tugi Landuse Planning Committee
Community Health Development
Provincial Hospital
Buea , null 475
Phone: (00237)7731802
Fax: +237 333 34 28
E-mail: irenerhyme@yahoo.ca

Njohjam Naburo
EReT Cameroon
Landuse Planning
Environmental Resource Trust
(EReT) Cameroon
Buea , South-West 00
Phone: +237 7523430
Fax: +237 333 34 28
E-mail: njohjam@yahoo.fr