

Grease to Go, New GIS Integration Tools at Cincinnati MSD
Track: Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater
Author(s): Christopher Hall

A routine investigation of a sewer obstructed with restaurant grease led to a new tool that helps identify high-priority enforcement areas. Many operations at the Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati are integrated into the regional Cincinnati Area GIS utility. Sewer maintenance work orders for cleaning, CCTV, repairs, MH inspections, etc., are available for viewing by pretreatment investigators. Come learn how frustration over communication breakdowns transformed parallel operations into integrated tools linking restaurants, CCTV reports of grease, and water-in-basement complaints to focused responses. MSD covers 400 square miles, 6 major treatment plants and 3,000 miles of sewer with 500 employees; our GIS tools are helping let the right hand know what the left hand knows and unites them in concerted action. This paper is planned to be somewhat technical--showing aspects of data collection, database management, queries, and a little bit of GIS code.

Christopher Hall
Cincinnati Metropolitan Sewer District
Division of Industrial Waste
1600 Gest Street
Cincinnati , OH 45204
Phone: 513-557-7011
Fax: 513.557.7050
E-mail: chris.hall@cincinnati-oh.gov