

Oregon's 2005 Orthoimagery Efforts: Raising the Standards
Track: Remote Sensing Imagery
Author(s): Randall Sounhein, Corey Plank

Contemporary orthoimagery datasets are proving to be valuable assets to government and industry groups that are utilizing GISs to evaluate, analyze, or update ground condition data. The state of Oregon Orthoimagery Framework Implementation Team created an imagery consortium to help facilitate the acquisition and sharing of 2005 mutliresolution orthoimagery datasets. Cooperation and coordination with federal, state, and local agencies allowed for the efficient acquisition of these datasets that would have otherwise been unobtainable.

Randall Sounhein
Dept. State Lands
Land Management
775 Summer Street NE, Suite 100
Salem , OR 97301
Phone: (503) 378-3805
Fax: (503) 378-4844
E-mail: randy.sounhein@state.or.us

Corey Plank
USDI BLM Oregon State Office
Mapping Sciences
PO BOX 2965
Portland , OR 97208
Phone: (503) 808-6145
Fax: (503) 808-6190
E-mail: corey_plank@or.blm.gov