

Registered Sex Offender Locator Map Web Site Using ArcIMS
Track: Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
Author(s): Tommie Weckesser, Kalvan Hone

The passage of Megan's Law in 1996, allowing potential victims to protect themselves and allowing parents to protect their children, required the registration of convicted sex offenders with local government authorities and required that this information be accessible to the public. As part of an initiative by the city of Henderson to make information about city government and its services accessible to the public via the internet, the city's Information Technology Department, Police Department, and PBS&J developed the city's sex offender Web site. The Esri ArcIMS Web site is accessible through the City's primary website. Users enter an address or the name of a park, school, or day care facility to retrieve a map showing the location of Tier I, II, & III registered sex offenders within a one-half-mile vicinity.

Tommie Weckesser
City of Henderson
IT Department
240 Water Street
Henderson , NV 89015
Phone: 702-267-4378
E-mail: tommie.weckesser@cityofhenderson.com

Kalvan Hone
Information Solutions
2270 Corporate Circle
Henderson , NV 89074
Phone: 702-263-7275
E-mail: khone@pbsj.com