

NATO's Current and Future Geospatial Intelligence Superiority
Track: Defense and Intelligence
Author(s): John Teufert

Over the years, the geospatial intelligence capabilities of NATO have increased to meet the challenges of asymmetric war fighting as well as the timeliness of response needed for NATO Response Force (NRF) operations. The NC3A Geo Team paved the way for these changes and is currently looking into future capabilities to improve NATO's geospatial intelligence superiority even further. Various projects and activities aim at the future provision of a highly automated Recognised Environmental Picture (REP) that will provide any environmental information such as meteorological, maritime, oceanographic, and geographic/imagery data in any kind of sensible combination to any kind of war fighter and system using networkcentric techniques. This paper describes NATO's current geospatial intelligence capabilities as well as the various future R&D projects that will be cornerstones for achieving the REP.

John Teufert
NATO C3 Agency
Oude Waalsdorperweg 61
The Hague , null 2597 AK
Phone: 003170374
E-mail: john.teufert@nc3a.nato.int