

BioGeo's Sampling Tool for GIS
Track: Parks and Natural Reserves
Author(s): Eric Finnen, Charles Menza

A vast array of sampling designs can be used to assess the condition of biological populations, but not all designs are equal. The choice of which design to use depends on sampling objectives, cost, expertise, and available data. BioGeo's Sampling Tool provides a simple way for researchers and park managers to evaluate the costs and benefits of choosing distinct sampling designs within a ArcGIS. Two design performance measures are central to comparisons: estimated sample size to achieve a sampling objective and sampling precision (or standard error). From sample data, the tool allows users to estimate population means and totals, sampling precision, strata means and standard errors, and apply the finite population correction. Samples are area-based and selected from either a user-defined sampling frame or randomly within a user-defined sampling space. Simple random sampling, stratified random sampling, and two-stage sampling can be performed. Case studies are presented.

Eric Finnen
1305 East West Highway, (SSMC4/9226), N/SCI-1
Silver Spring , MD 20910
Phone: 301.713.3028
E-mail: efinnen@hotmail.com

Charles Menza
1305 East West Highway (SSMC IV/9259), N/SCI-1
Silver Spring , MD 20910
Phone: 301-713-3028
E-mail: charles.menza@noaa.gov