

Value of GIS (Education) in Urban & Regional Planning
Track: Benefit of GIS
Author(s): Hester Marais

I want to sketch a profile on the benefits of GIS in Urban and Regional Planning profession in South-Africa towards providing information as well as using GIS when assessing Land use management and development layout applications. A general and assessment of status quo with regard to the use of GIS by the different municipal Urban & Regional Planning departments in the Gauteng province in South Africa, will be followed up with problems experienced by these departments, which is often hindering the use of GIS. Benefits will include using GIS towards providing information, to display different field of information simultaneously, to measure distance, to overlay information sets, to create buffer zones, to select entities within buffer distance, to combine different data such as tables and aerial photographs in one layout, benefits of virtual reality GIS to save time and highlight potential Shortcomings that may hindering GIS use.

Hester Marais
University of Johannesburg
Town Planning
John Orr building, R 6202
Johannesburg 2027
Phone: +27 11-4062163
Fax: 0866173819
E-mail: hmarais@twr.ac.za