

Public Health Distributed Geospatial Intelligence Network (PH DGInet)
Track: Health and Human Services
Author(s): Carl Kinkade

The Distributed Geospatial Intelligence Network (DGInet) technology by been deployed by the defense and intelligence organizations to provide an enterprise solution for geospatial intelligence data. DGInet was designed as a web-based enterprise GIS for non-GIS-savvy intelligence analysts, military planners, and war fighters. CDC has the opportunity to deploy a public health version of DGInet, PH DGInet, to share data, tools, models, and services across the Centers, Institute, and Offices. This approach will allow CDC to leverage existing GIS infrastructure as well as add geospatial services that can be assessable across the agency, HHS Operational Divisions, and public health partners to build a strong public health GIS community. This presentation will explain the existing DGInet and how it is being implemented at CDC to benefit the entire public health/GIS community.

Carl Kinkade
2500 Century Center, Room 2300.11
Atlanta , GA 30345
Phone: 4044982468
E-mail: ckinkade@cdc.gov