

Multi-scale Display Functions with ArcObjects
Track: Cartography and Map Production
Author(s): Peter Cowell, Thomas Zeng

A method for automatically adjusting display of GIS data at different scales is presented derived from current methods for multi-scale data handling. The method proposes an ArcObject model to provide GIS display functions for multi-scale maps in a single dataset. The model exploits a combination of existing analytical GIS functions, such as buffering, centraID and central line. More specifically, the method generalises features in a dataset by displaying them at varying levels of detail appropriate to different mapping scales. To achieve this functionality, the data storage includes an attribute field containing information about a scale factor for dissolving detail. The advantages of the GIS display function include maintenance of data consistency and integrity, avoidance of data redundancy, andreduced duplication in data updating procedures. An example is given to demonstrate the method.

Peter Cowell
University of Sydney
Madsen Building, City Road
Sydney , null 2006
Phone: 612 9351 2189
Fax: 612 9351 3644
E-mail: Cowell@mail.usyd.edu.au

Thomas Zeng
Sydney Olympic Park Authority
7 Figtree Drive
Sydney Olympic Park
Sydney , NSW 2127
Phone: 612 9714 7181
Fax: 612 9714 7818
E-mail: Thomas.Zeng@sopa.nsw.gov.au