

Enterprise GIS: A State Government Perspective
Track: GIS Organization, Management, and Implementation
Author(s): Jeannie Watanabe

Government efficiency and effectiveness can be enhanced through an enterprise GIS. In Utah the Automated Geographic Reference Center (AGRC) has been building the state's geospatial capacity for over twenty years based on approaching the development and implementation with an enterprise strategy. What this meant historically and operationally for AGRC includes shared vision and goals, policies and practices, sharing geospatial data, building information partnerships, shared infrastructure/technology transfer, and the authority to accomplish these. AGRC has built relationships with the state legislature, local government, federal agencies, and other state agencies and developed executive support to implement enterprise strategies. The success of AGRC's efforts is exemplified in an enterprise initiative to acquire and share statewide high resolution imagery acquisition which included over 50 partners and saved nearly $2 million for Utah cities and counties.

Jeannie Watanabe
State of Utah
Automated Geographic Reference Center
1 State Office Building 5130
Salt Lake City , UT 84114
Phone: 801-538-9543
Fax: 801-538-3317
E-mail: jwatanabe@utah.gov