

Web Services and Hydrologic Observation Data Dissemination
Track: Water Resources
Author(s): David Valentine, Ilya Zaslavsky

The CUAHSI hydrologic information system (HIS) organizes multiple databases, Web services, and client applications, into a multi-tier network of HIS servers for publishing, accessing, querying, and visualizing hydrologic observation data. The system follows service-oriented architecture, with Web services for uniform programmatic access to heterogeneous federal data repositories as its core. The second generation of services supports data and metadata discovery and retrieval from USGS NWIS (steam flow, groundwater and water quality repositories), EPA STORET water quality data, NCDC ASOS, DAYMET daily observations, NASA MODIS, and Unidata NAM streams. Accessed from a single discovery interface developed as an ASP.NET application over ArcGIS Server, the Web services support comprehensive hydrologic analysis at the catchment, watershed and regional levels. Resolving semantic and structural heterogeneities across different repositories, and distilling a generic set of service signatures, has been the main scalability challenge of this project.

David Valentine
University of California, San Diego
San Diego Supercomputer Center
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla , CA 92093
Phone: 858-822-0923
E-mail: valentin@sdsc.edu

Ilya Zaslavsky
University of California San Diego
San Diego Supercomputer Center
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla , CA 92093
Phone: 858-534-8342
E-mail: zaslavsk@sdsc.edu