
GIS Application for Property Management in UN-DPKO
Track: Sustainable Development and Humanitarian Affairs
Author(s): Javier Neme

The Property Control and Inventory Unit (PCIU) identified the benefits of GIS to understand their inventory and applying geographic knowledge to solve property management problems. Linking geographic information (where assets are) with descriptive information (Generic description, age of asset in stock, status, etc) extracted from the Galileo System*2. The application does more than tell you 'where”; it can also answer questions like 'why' and 'what if?'. It was also found that the application provides customer easy solutions that lead to a better business decisions. The operator can analyze and decide simple actions including: Site selection for Preliminary Assets Disposal Plan (PADP), Customer segmentation, Demographic trends and Potential commodity hub. Helping to save time, while improving access to information. The challenges of PCIU and GIS Unit is to connect directly to Galileo and upload the data periodically from Brindisi*3 and implement it globally throughout DPKO Missions.

Javier Neme
United Nations
United Nations Mission In Congo (MONUC)
Kinshasa , Kinshasa None
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
Phone: 69-175-4892
E-mail: neme@un.org