
Web Data Portals for Contaminated Site Projects
Track: Benefits of GIS
Author(s): Alan MacGregor, John Haasbeek

Distributed project teams, multiple clients, numbers subcontractors, and various analytical laboratories can apply significant pressure on project managers. 

Using web-based delivery platforms and a secure hosing facility, ENVIRON develops project collaboration websites that combine GIS maps, analytical data management, and document control. Users can browse and create their own site maps on-line, illustrating current and historical analytical results. Data plots and trends and spreadsheet export capabilities are available. A document library allows filing and searching on titles, properties and attributes.

The multi-client application is based on Esri GIS Server, MS SQL Server database, and the MS SharePoint platforms. Each web portal is unique, developed to meet the needs of specific projects.  All team members have access to the same datasets, and use the interacive tools to review contaminant test results, historic reports, and GIS maps. 

Our offices save on electronic document storage, conrol versions of workng documents, and enjoy prompt project updates. 

Alan MacGregor
303 East 17th Avenue, #400
Denver , Colorado 80203
United States
Phone: 303 382-5465
E-mail: amacgregor@environcorp.com

John Haasbeek
303 East 17th Street, Suite 400
Denver , Colorado 80203
United States
Phone: 303 382-5468
E-mail: jhaasbeek@environcorp.com